[vc_row row_type=”row” text_align=”left”][vc_column][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_column_text]I hit upon an interesting article that featured on Forbes
It pretty much validated many of our findings over the years. Thought it would help to summarise them for easy reading.
AceNgage exit interviews indicate that immediate Managers continue to be among the main reasons why employees leave and it’s critical that Organisations look at investing in their mid-level managers if they want to curb this trend.
The tendency to lean on factors that are not controllable is high. Managers need to accept that they could be the root cause! This is when things will start improving…
Salary is the outcome and rarely the main reason why employees leave Organisations. Our studies have shown that Salary is mostly even among the top 3 reasons why employees leave
This is a really sad statistic. Organisations need to ensure they inculcate a feeling of trust across all levels. This comes with a consistent and continuous effort, starting from the top.
In response to a question we ask as part of our exit interviews, “ What is the one thing you would like Managers to do more of” – Recognition comes up most often,
Unfortunately, wellness programs exist but are not gaining the traction they deserve. Money is being invested but most often these programs are ineffective, and hence need to be relooked at.
Please drop a note with your comments. Thats the part I enjoy most about writing….[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row]