[vc_row row_type=”row” text_align=”left”][vc_column][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_column_text]Has enough been said about Corona virus and Covid-19? Certainly not and as the numbers increase there is a general sense of gloom across. One of the fundamental challenges is the unpredictability and hence the uncertainty that comes with it.
Will I continue to get my salary?
Should I stock up, what if food gets over?
When can I buy more alcohol? 🙂
Well, like many of you I too dont have answers and dont want to guess.
Im more curious about changes this will bring. Some of the practices we have been forced to adopt are actually not so bad.
- Washing our hands with soap and maintaining a general sense of hygiene
- Maintaining a distance while standing in queues
- Vegetarianism
- Managing productivity while working from home
- Managing your teams without having to meet them F2F
Again no one knows, only time will tell us how humans are going to react. Until then let the oceans, trees and animals have a blast…
In the interim period we can only plan for the future and this is how we are keeping ourselves busy:
- Engaging with employees of our Client Organisations to understand the challenges they are facing with ‘working from home” to enable a smoother transition.
- Working with Organisations to ensure a smooth Onboarding for their new hires and this includes some of the support with documentation as they aren’t coming in to office.
- Building our next product, A”Candidate Experience Survey” to allow Organisations to measure the Candidate experience along with the Net promoter score on an ongoing basis
- Relook at all our existing processes and re-engineer some of the stuff we do, to enable us to add more value in the ( hopefully near) future
One of my clients told me, that while emails or Whatsapp chats are fine they would never have had the same impact that my telephone conversation made. Well I guess the human connect continues to be important, we are humans after all 🙂
Until then may we all become a little more responsible, be more sensitive to the planet, hopefully become better cooks, learn an instrument – aspirational, kick a habit – more than aspirational 🙂 & most importantly, stay connected with our friends and family more…. a lot more…[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row]