I read an article recently about how the whole dynamics around recruitment are changing. New age (technology driven) recruitment firms are now targeting ‘engaged’ employees who are not actively looking out for a change, using high-end data analytics to then seduce them into joining another company by making an offer that’s not easy to resist. Mostly to do with a better salary
Kiran, my squash partner recently quit a large IT services company. He was a reasonably good performer, got promoted last year, had a boss he looked up to and thoroughly enjoyed his work. Recently a recruitment firm (app based) reached out to him regarding a role that was available in another company. The new company is similar to one he is currently working and were offering a much better compensation. Kiran tells me that though he was very happy in the current company, he succumbed to the promise of a better pay and but for that, had absolutely no reason to quit
The first week at the new company was a disaster. He realised that the work culture in the new company was not what he expected; No one really seems to pay any attention to the new joinees. Induction seems like a mere formality. He couldn’t help but think that he shouldn’t have left his earlier job in the first place. Was it really worth it?
There is no point crying in spilt milk, or is there?
When I talk to my friends in HR I do empathise with them. Early attrition is higher than ever before and that means that’s it is all the more important to do something to fix it .In this dynamic environment it is very important for Organisations to ‘take care of their employees’. The 0 to 3 month phase is perhaps the most critical in the entire life cycle as that when employees feel most vulnerable.
What is the value that organisations will see by having these surveys done:
Know what’s working & what’s not.
Most companies have fantastic processes and policies laid out, it’s the implementation that suffers. That’s the part that has to be monitored on a continuous basis
Identify dissatisfaction in the early stages
Only when you measure you can improve. Once the company is made aware of the challenges the employee is going through, they can either resolve or address it
Show them you care
Let new hires know that they have made the right decision and that they are in safe hands. Generally if employees feel valued and engaged during the first 3 months, they tend to stay for at least a year
Improve brand
New hires tend to talk about the company lot more. A lot of positive messages being sent to the market will only improve and increase the brand perception of the organisation and this will in turn make it easier to hire talent
Higher engagement
Senior leadership & HR teams get first hand information and insights on what employees think about the company and their first impressions. This can help Organisations build clear strategies to improve engagement & reduce early attrition
Early engagement surveys should typically include the following areas :
The surveys conducted as part of the Early Engagement initiative include pulse surveys and comprehensive satisfaction surveys depending on when they are being conducted.
Reach out to AceNgage if you need any information or write in with your comments.