How is Manager time being spent?

I caught this interesting article in the TOI and I couldn’t agree more. While the article talks about CEO’s, I believe that this holds good for Managers at all levels. You can read the whole article here :
Sometime back we had done a survey with Managers to see where there time was being spent and heres what we found :
There is a huge gap between how Senior leadership wants their managers time spent and what actually happens in reality. The difference is stark and one wonders why there is this huge gap between whats expected vs and what happens in reality.
The easiest thing and probably the most obvious thing to do, would be to blame Managers, but there could be more to it.

Its time for Senior leaders to speak with Managers to understand the real issue here. My guess is that Managers are not empowered enough

Happy to hear from you …

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Sayjal Jain

HR Voice | Employee Engagement Author

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